Weekly Update- Sept. 5th, 2017

Welcome / Bienvenue to Champs Vallée!

We are VERY excited to be opening our brand new school at École Bellevue. All of the staff have been working hard setting up our classes within the school. 

We will be using this website as a method of communication, in lieu of an monthly Newsletter.

School Hours for grades 1-6

 Our hours are sightly different then Bellevue's:
Morning bell: 8:35 a.m.
Class begins: 8:40 a.m.
Recess: 9:50-10:05 a.m.
Lunch Hour: 11:35-12:00 p.m. (outside)
12:00-12:23 p.m. (eating in class)
Recess: 1:57-2:09 p.m.
Regular dismissal: 3:15 p.m.


Our web site is up to date for the new school year and can be found at http://ecvs.blackgold.ca/
-School calendars are available at the CALENDAR tab on our website.
-School supply lists can be found here: http://ecvs.blackgold.ca/parents/supply-lists/
Running Club

We will be offering an after school running club along with École Bellevue School for students in grades 3-6. Please check out this link for more information and to sign up.  It starts on Tuesday, but don't worry if you can't make it that day!  Thanks to Mme Savard and M. Gamache for volunteering their time to offer this.  Running Club Link.

PREK Information Night

A reminder that there is an information meeting for prekindergarten parents on Tuesday, September 5 at 7:00 p.m. in the gymnasium.
Bus Students

You can use http://bgrs.mybusplanner.com. to register as a bus student.  You can see if you are eligible to ride the bus and which bus you will be getting on.  On the first day, we will be helping all bus students find their bus at the end of the day. 

School Crosswalk

We are excited that the Town of Beaumont has installed flashing crosswalk lights at the main crosswalk. During drop off and pick up times, you can help us by choosing safety over convenience and by following these guidelines.  The attached image illustrates this points very well.
1. Please do not block the bus zones at any time.
2. The staff parking lot is reserved for staff use and handicap use only. 
3. Please do not use the old crosswalk.
4. You are encouraged to use the Beaumont Community Centre north of the school for parking.
5. The drive-thru on the east of the school is for quick drop off/pick up.  If you need to exit your vehicle, please park elsewhere and walk.  It is a no parking zone. 
Thank you for your assistance in following these requests. Together, we can help ensure that our students are safe.

We look forward to seeing you all soon. 
It's going to be a great year!

École Champs Vallée Staff